Promising efforts to address bottlenecks and support project development to mobilize private capital have already begun to emerge in the marketplace. One such effort is the Milken Institute’s Center for Financial Markets’ 10,000 Communities Initiative,
FACT SHEET: White House Releases New Technical Assistance Resources to Help Communities Unlock Opportunities from President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
White House Briefing Room, September 13, 2023 The Milken Institute (MI) is working to accelerate the development of a robust pipeline of shovel-worthy community infrastructure projects, focusing especially on under-served rural, urban, tribal and environmental justice...

Cincinnati ‘jobs bond’ aims to fuel manufacturing boom in the Midwest
From guest author Rachel Reilly.
If you build it they will come.
An innovative bond issuance will help a public agency in the city of Cincinnati acquire and remediate industrial property in an effort to attract advanced manufacturers and private investment to the region. The Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, aka The Port, shared its plan to launch a $100 million “jobs bond” alongside Quantified Ventures during this month’s 10,000 Communities Initiative rally-up in Cincinnati.
Read the Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs letter from 10,000 Communities Initiative Partners to the Economic Development Administration.
In response to the Economic Development Administration's Request for Information regarding the Regional Technology and Innovation Hubs Program's design and implementation, a joint comment letter was submitted by 10,000 Communities Initiatives Partners: Accelerator for...